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Kings Langley Physical Culture Club

Welcome to
Kings Langley Physie
Physie (BjP Physical Culture) is a uniquely Australian form of dance. Our Physie dances are a combination of modern jazz, ballet, contemporary, hip hop, and yoga. All routines are choreographed to develop strength, grace, flexibility, and coordination.
Physie isn’t just about dancing or competitions. Physie is about empowering girls with the skills to become confident, strong women. Physie has a unique ability to cater to girls and women of all ages and all dance levels. Physie is a sport you can do for life and allows you to share the enjoyment of dancing with your mum, friends, sisters, aunts, and grandma.
In 2024 Kings Langley physie successfully competed in Australian Team events and celebrated each individual performances by our students. More importantly, Kings Langley Physie is a fun, friendly, and social club.
Kings Langley Physie offers affordable dance classes for girls aged 3 to 70+